Highly Sensitive Person Resources

Intuitive Empath by Renee Ramsey
The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron
The Misunderstood highly Sensitive Person: A Guide For HSP’s to Thrive in a Insensitive Wold by Sally Ann
What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?
It’s a personality trait discovered by the psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron.
20% of the population has the trait!
You might a HSP if you:
- You have strong emotional reactions. Eg. You get angry and argumentative when you are hungry
- You notice subtle things about people or you affected by little changes in your environment . Eg you know people are not being honest
- You process information more deeply than others.eg. You need to do an extensive research and weight of the pros on con of before buy something.
- You get overwhelmed with certain stimuli in your environment Eg flickering lights
What is an Empath?
It’s a highly empathic person who is able to unconscious feel the emotions, feelings and energy of others. They also have a special connection with the the psychic and entra sensory aspect of life.
Do you think that you maybe a Highly Sensitive Person?
Take the test:
- Elaine Aron’s Test: Are You Highly Sensitive? – The Highly Sensitive Person (hsperson.com)
- Spanish version : Instituto PAS Profesionales De la Alta Sensibilidad -:https://pasespana.com/test-personas-altamente-sensibles
Book Recommendations for HSP and Empaths
- The Empath Survival Guide by Judith Orloff
- The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron
- Empath: A Complete Guide for Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self by Judy Dyer
- The Highly Sensitive: How to Find the Inner Peace, Develop Your Gift and Thrive by Judy Dyer
- The Power of Sensitivity: Finding the Strength as a Highly Sensitive Person by Judy Dyer
- The Brain of the Highly Sensitive Person by Ester Bergsma
- The Healed Empath: The Highly Sensitive Personal Guide to Transforming Trauma Anxiety , Trusting Your Intuition and Moving from Overwhelm to Empowerment by Kristen Schwartz
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