Highly Sensitive Person Resources


Intuitive Empath by Renee Ramsey

The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron

The Misunderstood highly Sensitive Person: A Guide For HSP’s to Thrive in a Insensitive Wold by Sally Ann 

What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

It’s a personality trait discovered by  the psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron.


20% of the population has the trait!


You might a HSP if you:

  1. You have strong emotional reactions. Eg. You get angry and argumentative when you are hungry
  2. You notice subtle things about people or you affected by little changes in your environment . Eg you know people are not being honest 
  3. You process information more deeply than others.eg. You need to do an extensive research and weight of the pros on con of before buy something. 
  4. You get overwhelmed with certain stimuli in your environment Eg flickering lights

What is an Empath?

It’s a highly empathic person who is able to unconscious feel the emotions, feelings and energy of others. They also have a special connection with the the psychic and entra sensory aspect of life.



Do you think that you maybe a Highly Sensitive Person?

Take the test:

Book Recommendations for HSP and Empaths


  • The Empath Survival Guide by Judith Orloff
  • The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron
  • Empath: A Complete Guide for Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self by Judy Dyer
  • The Highly Sensitive: How to Find the Inner Peace, Develop Your Gift and Thrive by Judy Dyer
  • The Power of Sensitivity: Finding the Strength as a Highly Sensitive Person by Judy Dyer
  • The Brain of the Highly Sensitive Person by Ester Bergsma
  • The Healed Empath: The Highly Sensitive Personal Guide to Transforming Trauma Anxiety , Trusting Your Intuition and Moving from Overwhelm to Empowerment by Kristen Schwartz


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