What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

Published on 25 September 2024 at 22:02
  • Being a Highly Sensitive Person is an innate trait.
  • Being a Highly Sensitive Person is part of you, it's in your soul. 
  • Being a Highly Sensitive Person is how God made you. 
  • Being a Highly Sensitive Person is what makes you unique.
  • Being a Highly Sensitive Person you feel and experience emotions at a higher level.
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person, you have a kind and empathic heart and soul.
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person you a ruled by honesty, authenticity and empathy.
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person you have super in-tune  senses, you detect lies,  perceive people's  emotions and energies 
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person, you process information deeply making an excellent decision make and problem solver.
  •  As a Highly Sensitive Person,  you are connected to the spiritual realm   so you  may even have special psychic abilities 
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person,  your brain is wired slightly differently than others helping you bring a unique perspective and creative ideas to the world.
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person,  you are a highly creative being.
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person, you are connected to nature. 
  • As a Highly Sensitive Person, you uniquely experience life.
  • Being a Highly Sensitive Person is not just about being sensitive 



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